3 Pack Cans Starter Pack
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Everything you need to know
Oh, you thought sachets and shakers were all we had to offer? Our ready-to-drink cans add a kick of carbonation to our bestselling Sneak flavours - enjoy, ice-cold, straight from the fridge. This taster pack contains 1x Raspberry Lemonade, 1 x Tropikilla and 1 x Purple Storm.
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So let’s get weird. Sneak isn’t just about awesome-tasting drinks that do stuff—it’s a whole vibe.
When we’re not taking a flamethrower to an ice sculpture to reveal a new drop, we’re casually launching limited-edition katanas and snowboards like it’s nothing. We’re always pushing boundaries to stay at the top of our game.
And our community? Next level. They don’t just love the brand—they live it.
The next generation of drinks is here, and it means never sacrificing on flavour OR function. You guessed it—it’s Sneak.